Crowdsourcing of Land Information
16-20 November 2015, ST Julians, Malta
Welcome !
FIG Commission 7, Tekna Samfunnsutviklerne and GeoForum in cooperation with Western Norway University of Applied Sciences are pleased to invite you to the International Seminar and Annual Meeting on Cadastre in a digital world - Nordic and Global Perspectives in Bergen, 24–28 September 2018.
Dear delegates and friends of FIG Commission 7!
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2018 and International Seminar being held at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and Hotel Zander K, Bergen, Norway, Europe.
The venue for the Annual meeting 2018 has been decided on the basis of many excellent flight connections from Bergen to other countries inside and outside Europe. The colourful city of Bergen offers many cultural highlights and is also known as the gateway to majestic fjords of Norway. Norway occupies the western and northern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The population of 5,2 million is heavily concentrated in the south, and almost one-third of the population is living in the Oslo area. About two-thirds of Norway is mountainous, and of its much articulated shoreline carved by deep glacier fjords are about 50,000 islands.
Accompanying persons are very much welcome to attend the social events and excursion.
Thanks to the local organizing committee under chairmanship of Mr. Leiv Bjarte Mjøs, for providing the opportunity to meet to Norway.
Looking forward to meeting all of you in Bergen!
Gerda Schennach, Chair of FIG Commission 7